Jackson County Times

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Thursday, July 2, 2009

Dale Guthrie, Clerk of the Courts, Celebrates 4th of July With Jackson County Citizens

Over 800 attend Dale Guthrie’s annual 4th of July Picnic
By Sid Riley
It has been said that if you ever want to draw a crowd of Jackson County citizens, all you have to do is give away some free food. The truth of that idiom was never more apparent than last Friday at noon, when Dale Guthrie and her crew of volunteers cooked about 1200 hot dogs, made arrangements to use the Farmers Market Pavilion, and welcomed everyone to come for a “down home” Forth of July community picnic.

That was all it took to entice over 800 locals to come to the festivities. Great choral music was provided by Janie Nolin and her Golson Summer Enrichment Program Choir. At the beginning of the event Chastity Tharp did a wonderful job of getting everyone into the Forth of July spirit when she sang the National Anthem. The patriotism of the crowd swelled to an even higher level when they were thrilled with the stirring rendition of “God Bless America” delivered by Flora Davis.
The host of the party, Dale Guthrie, welcomed the crowd, introduced all of the elected officials who were present (just about all of the local politicians), the area beauty queens who adorned the proceedings, and all of those who were entertaining.

While all of this was going on the never ending line of hungry hot dog eaters passed through the serving lines. All in all, it was a great local event, filled with patriotism and community spirit.
Thanks, Dale!

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