Jackson County Times

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Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Marco Rubio Speaks In Marianna…Sort of…

By Sid Riley

At Tuesday’s meeting of the Republican Club which was held at Jim’s Buffet and Grill in Marianna, Senatorial candidate, Marco Rubio spoke to the group, detailed his conservative philosophies, and engaged in a lively question and answer session with those in attendance. However, Rubio was not in Marianna, he was at his home in West Miami.

The entire session was conducted via a video conference which was set up by Kelly Riley of A & K Productions, the local video conversion and production company. It was about as close to having Rubio here as you could get, and him not actually being here. The process worked perfectly.

Rubio spoke of the need to reign in our federal government, to reduce the influence of government in our businesses and our lives, to remove federal influences from our schools, to hopefully even eliminate the Federal Department of Education, to aggressively utilize our existing resources to reduce our dependency on foreign oil while we step up research on the development of other forms of energy, his support for the “fair tax”, his belief on keeping an individuals control over choices in health care, his conviction that the federal government should be forbidden to spend more than it is taking in, and even his belief in term limits for legislators…. What more could a stout hearted, determined Conservative ask for!

Rubio stated that he would be in Northwest Florida in about thirty days, and he hopes to visit Marianna.

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