February is a busy month in the family of Jami Folsom of Grand Ridge. It is especially meaningful to her grandparents, Willard and Emma Nell Durden of Grand Ridge as well as her other set of grandparents, George and Elemetter Johnson of Grand Ridge. Thursday, February 17 is the 60th anniversary for both couples, and then just four days later, just as they finish eating their anniversary cake, the grandfathers will share a birthday cake, since they were born on the same day, February 21.
And that’s not all! Her daughter, Morgan who will be five years old was also born on February 17th. And that’s not all!! Another Cousin and Uncle celebrate birthdays on the 17th. And that’s not all!!! … Another Aunt and Uncle have their anniversary on February 21. So the 17th of February and the 21st of February are truly special days in their family.
To All we wish happy anniversaries and birthdays. Especially those two couples who have made it past the 60 year mark!
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